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  1. Adamczuk M. 2010. Different life-history trade-offs of two Daphnia species (Cladocera, Crustacea) under natural conditions as the response to predation and competition. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 46: 241-247

  2. Adamczuk M. 2010. Effect of habitat complexity on the distribution of Ceriodaphnia quadrangula (O. F. Müller, 1785) (Crustacea: Cladocera) in a deep lake. Biological Letters 47: 51-58

  3. Demetraki-Paleolog A., Tarkowska-Kukuryk M. 2010. Structure of rotifer communities of restored small-bog reservoirs of Poleski National Park. Archives of Environmental Protection 36: 21-30

  4. Demetraki-Paleolog A. 2010. Planktonic rotifers communities of different types of peat-bog reservoirs and wetlands of Poleski National Park (Eastern Poland). Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego 7: 67-79

  5. Kornijów R., Strayer D. 2010. Macroinvertebrate communities of hypoxic habitats created by an invasive plant (Trapa natans) in the freshwater tidal Hudson River. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 176: 199-207

  6. Mieczan T. 2010. Effect of vegetation patchiness and site factors on distribution and diversity of testate amoebae and ciliates in peatbogs. Polish Journal of Ecology 58: 135-144

  7. Mieczan T. 2010. Periphytic ciliates in three shallow lakes in eastern Poland: a comparative study between a phytoplankton-dominated lake, a phytoplanktonmacrophyte lake and a macrophyte-dominated lake. Zoological Studies 49: 589-600

  8. Mieczan T. 2010. The influence of emergent and submerged macrophyte beds on ciliate communities in a shallow lake. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 39: 107-115

  9. Mieczan T. 2010. Vertical micro-zonation of testate amoebae and ciliates in peatland waters in relation to potential food resources and grazing pressure. International Review of Hydrobiology 95: 86-102

  10. Mieczan T. 2010. Vertical microzonation of testate amoebae and ciliates in peatbog waters in relation to physical and chemical parameters. Polish Journal of Ecology 58: 755-766

  11. Mieczan T., Puk A. 2010. Influence of type of substrate and water chemistry on the structure and succession of periphytic ciliate communities in hypertrophic lake. Archives of Environmental Protection 36: 13-24

  12. Mieczan T., Siczek D. 2010. Horizontal distribution of ciliated protozoa between the sphagnum mat and open water zone in a shallow peat-bog pools. Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego 7: 260-271

  13. Pawlik-Skowrońska B., Kornijów R., Pirszel J. 2010. Sedimentary imprint of cyanobacterial blooms – a new tool for insight into recent history of lakes. Polish Journal of Ecology 58: 663-670

  14. Płaska W. 2010. Preliminary research of zoopleuston in peatbog pools of Polesie National Park and its protection zone. Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego 7: 328-334

  15. Rechulicz J. 2010. Size structure and body condition of brown trout (Salmo trutta trutta m. fario L.) from mountain type river in Lubelskie Upland. Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego 7: 335-344

  16. Tarkowska-Kukuryk M. 2010. Epiphytic chironomids on rigid hornwot (Ceratophyllum demersum L.) – the relation between the community structure and lake status. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 39: 117-133

  17. Tarkowska-Kukuryk M. 2010. Comparative study of epiphytic and benthic fauna of shallow eutrophic lake of Poleski National Park. Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego 7: 428-435

  18. Toporowska M., Pawlik-Skowrońska B., Krupa D., Kornijów R. 2010. Winter versus summer blooming of phytoplankton in a shallow lake: effect of hypertrophic conditions. Polish Journal of Ecology 58: 3-12